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Williams Women's Soccer News Story:


Zoie Larkins and I travelled to Williams College to film the Women's Soccer team and interview a player and her coach of her kneeling during the national anthem. Of course, the day we go to film her kneel, they do not play the national anthem. I asked Georgia Lord, who plays on the team, to have a parent film Dawn Penso, the player kneeling. For filming at the game, I used a 250mm lens with zooming ability, which worked well when capturing game footage. For the interview, I used a 50mm lens, which offered good contrast with the interviewee and the background. Since I am a soccer player, I enjoyed watching the game as well as filming it. This experience gave me a new perspective of filming since I haven't filmed a sports game before. At some points, it was difficult to keep up with the play as well as staying in focus, but after a while  realized it looked better and more natural to just go slow with filming. I didn't have to keep up with the play all the time. 



Fishing Trips:

Zoie, Nick, Matt, and I began a new series for BBA News called Fishing Trips. We are trying to make it a segment for every BBA News piece. What it will develop to is that we will bring a different guest every time out fishing an just interview them, while fishing. I am in charge of getting the B roll for the show, while Matt is behind the camera and audio shooting Nick and whoever the guest will be. We did a first test out near Orvis where we first tested the idea and what needs to be done in order for it to be an ongoing thing. We went to Emerald Lake for this video and I captured B roll of them fishing as well as the nature around us. The sun wasn't fully out, which made it somewhat hard to get decent lighting, so I kept having to adjust the ISO for all of the shots I took.


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