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This scene in “Gangs of New York”, is the first to establish the plot of what is going on in this film. It starts off showing ”the good guys”, using a very wide shot,all lined up ready to take on someone we do not know yet. The previous scene was dark and red, taking place inside a cathedral, and now it's dark and blue due to the harsh winter of New York City. The camera does a huge arching shot to the other side of the courtyard, where we wait in suspense to see who the antagonist is. We see a couple people emerge before we get a close shot of a man's feet, obviously someone who will be quite important later on. The camera moves up the man’s body to reveal the handlebar mustache of “Bill the Butcher”, the so called “Native gang leader” of New York. A cut to his left eye reveals a bird like shape within his eye, resembling the mysterious but intriguing character he is. The whole shot is a very heavy but beautiful shot.

        The camera returns to the previous wide shot over the courtyard where they show Bill’s men coming closer to the others. All of Bill’s men are wearing a sort of uniform, while the good guys are all wearing their own clothes and look a bit less organized. This portrays a sort of underdog feeling for the viewer, and everyone loves to root for the underdog.The camera lowers more to the ground to offer a smoother transition of shots when dialogue is soon to occur between the two leaders. The camera focused on Bill is close to Bill, showing that he is the supreme  leader of his gang and he is the only character we have to really know from his gang, while the shot of Liam Neeson is wider, showing actors such as Bill O’Reilly who we need to know later on in this film. The wide shot also shows that the “Pope’s Army” is more unified and gives off more of a knights at the round table vibe instead of having just one leader. After some weak trash talk, the first group we see brings out more gangs affiliated with the “good guys” and the camera pans right to left to display the new faces. A new low angle shot facing upwards toward the leaders of the men carrying large weapons establish an intimidating presence and establishing presence. Bill shares some dialogue initiating the fight, which the camera cuts to his amy throwing up their swords and weapons showing their alliance with Bill. Back and forth medium shots carry dialogue between the two leaders before a wide angle shot of both sides running toward each other, beginning the battle of the five points.


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